Ready to (Re)launch

Not really sure where to start. I’ve never been good at talking or writing about myself but here goes nothing.

Hi, I’m Jesse. I also go by the artist name Atomic Rocket. I started working as an illustrator a good fifteen years ago. I’ve worked for several companies that are license holders for some “big-time” brands. Properties like Overwatch, Rocket League, Minecraft, and even Disney!

I’ve always wanted to work for myself but it’s no easy feat. I’ve played it safe. That’s worked in my favor a couple of times but it’s also let me down more times than I’d care to mention.

So, with that in mind, I’ve decided to take chance and REALLY start my own business. LLC has been filed, website has been launched, and the training wheels are off (as they say).

I’m starting off with a collection of pins and shirts but plan on expanding the collection with a few NEW products. Bookmarks, vinyl toys, planters, art prints, etc.

All I can say is thanks for stopping by and I hope you like what you see. If there’s nothing here for you that’s okay too. You can always leave a comment or send me an email with suggestions. I love hearing what other people have to say!


Jesse - Atomic Rocket

Imposters 2.0 - Set of 4
Atomic Rocket
Atomic Rocket Design, started in 2006 by t-shirt artist Atomic Rocket, began as a way to mix a love of pop culture and the desire to control the art being produced. Atomic Rocket Design specializes in smart mash ups of pop culture subject matter and nerd culture. When creating art for Atomic Rocket Designs, the designer looks to fuse a personal interest in cartoons, 80’s toys and movies with content that is of interest to ARD’s thousands of fans worldwide. Atomic Rocket Design’s first design, a mash up of the cult classic cartoon “Invader Zim” with the mainstream classic film “Star Wars”, was sold exclusively by, the leading pop culture shirt a day site, and continues to be sold in TeeFury’s gallery of bestselling designs. Atomic Rocket Design’s work has also been featured by Ript Apparel, Qwertee and by Tapiture, who promoted ARD’s Big Lebowski- Air Jordan mash up on their sister site, The Chive. Atomic Rocket Design’s head designer, Atomic Rocket, is a t-shirt designer residing in Chicago with his family and trusty sidekick, Rocket the dog. In addition to an unwavering love of 80’s toys, movies and cartoons, Atomic Rocket also enjoys sandwiches, yelling at the Chicago Bears (especially Jay Cutler) and craft beer. In addition to shirt a day sites, Atomic Rocket’s work can be found here and here.